
1. Measure Success in Happiness Rather than Wealth 用快樂而非財富來衡量成功

2. Challenge yourself and Do Hard Things 自我挑戰並做困難的事

3. Listen to Constructive Criticism and the Opinion of Others 傾聽建設性的批評與他人的意見

4. Learn from Failure 從失敗中學習

5. Develop an Early and Consistent Wake-up Routine 培養早而持續的起床程序

6. Choose a Positive Attitude 選擇一個正面的態度

7. Make a Commitment to Achieve Every Single Day 每天給一個要達成的承諾

8. Work harder than your Competition and Those Around you 比你的對手與身旁的人都更努力

9. Make Complacency your enemy 讓自滿成為你的敵人

10. Fear No Single Individual 不畏懼任何一個人

11. Commit Your Goals to Paper 用書面來承諾你的目標

12. Surround yourself with Positive and Successful Individuals 讓自己被正面與成功人士包圍

13. Maintain a Fit and Healthy Body 維持一個窈窕與健康的體態

14. Invest Only in the Pursuit of your Goals 只投資在你目標的追尋上

15. Be Prepared to Make Sacrifices 準備犧牲

出處網頁: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity
    創作者 -OOO-丸子 的頭像


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