目前分類:心情日記 (81)

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先前卡卡曾經幾度替大家介紹過《一番賞(一番くじ)》的獎品,現在終於有人要引進《一番賞 海賊王~新時代開幕篇~》的遊戲方式跟獎品了!看來海賊王在台灣無法檔的熱潮有人注意到囉,這次推出《一番賞》的就是之前曾經進行過一系列海賊活動的全家便利商店~在全省的不少特定店面都有,你也可以去試試你的手氣喔!



A賞:「死亡外科醫生」托拉法爾加·羅 模型

B賞:尤斯塔斯·基德 模型

C賞:魯夫 模型

D賞:冥王雷利 模型


E賞 : 航海王新時代開幕篇咖哩皿
▼官方介紹是「非常適合裝咖哩飯的盤子。」 XD

F賞 : 海賊王小模型,高約9公分




▼女帝 波雅漢考克










-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




3.回家的路上,遇到疑似失戀的美眉坐在我的摩托車旁,邊講電話邊哭...well 不過就是失戀ㄇ...再找就有了


-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



0365私立淡江大學 會計學系                        1第一類組     11
006784林何山  007030陳俊旭  040101林玫均  040228黃曉君  040412張哲瑋  1
040476盧韋如  040739何明璋  040880許豪陞  041430黃國瑞  041619黃祥益  1
041784吳昆霖  042113楊素美  042142楊思雲  042458林信忠  042570洪腟倫  1
042701張曉惠  042704陳品璇  043373王思佳  043407蕭伯丞  043459李學程  1
043494黃傳芳  043726林怡君  043837胡佳雯  043854吳秋樺  043863高金玉  1
043923江雅嵐  044079胡忠仁  044087郭家良  044184陳雯玲  044208陳正彬  1
044299蔡尚霖  044623陳怡伶  044679曾能震  044834王昭悌  045070溫馥遠  1
045274林婉華  045328藍世金  045385鍾美君  045407蔡安珊  045581許瓊方  1
046343曹珮怡  046788吳明璋  047425劉馨蔓  047905陳詩雅  048150高子懿  1
048523王詩雯  048759洪嘉徽  049072簡妙茹  049194馬帥洪  049648張美玉  1
049753黃慧玉  049957洪慧娟  050153吳秉宸  050183李金龍  052408黃弘丞  1
052499劉國昌  053142林方琪  053405刁祺恩  053419許莊閔弘 053523莊鈞雅  1
054335勞賢賢  054362黎靜怡  055134陳可欣  055615徐寶卿  056475許稟曼  1
063943鐘雯玲  063953朱柏蓉  066057陳佳玥  066565陳筱真  081150賴玟玲  1
160078張瓊文  161001王志榮  161438陳慧聰  161644呂美枝  162499陳淑華  1
162809林書範  163033張淑惠  170288黃爾輝  170640陳漢清  170714洪仲緯  1
170972彭耀祖  171445楊淑敏  171707陳珮芳  172006王巧如  172017劉素萍  1
172051陳雅貞  175085江文琴  175512鄭朝勳  175568徐慈憶  260050陳真妮  1
260133朱俊誠  261798吳明驊  262467洪嘉翎  262519林富髿  262683賴音竹  1
262811何保億  262895蔡欣怡  262957陳嘉雯  262964陳素娟  263223陳雅玫  1
263266陳宗祺  263579洪嘉偵  263694林宜靜  263754莊慧心  263758邱嘉慧  1
264318蘇芳玲  264757陳聖聰  264758曾明峰  265183王偉驊  265226程長志  1
265487周心一  360643陳宗榮  361505楊詩怡  361758李惠鈺  370156廖純靖  1
380314王薔薇  380961張雅芬  381181何織絝  381439黃美芳  381786黃煥景  1
382388曾國暎  382813黃耀賢  383071陳曉甄  383263李佳育  396505謝淑卿  1
461988王冠華  462817邱月仙  463613陳招君  464028翁志忠  464768邱意雯  1
492212李嘉恬  492248楊美惠  492312康育斌  492757潘村財  499018陳保安  1
560780陳欣儀  560912楊惠真  561120李佩怡  561235謝融齊  561324吳德復  1
562362黃炫凱  562495簡瓊齡  562852陳美靜  562917孫仲宜  563991袁懿君  1
564043邱毓棻  564187陳君地  565178廖婉君  565678蔡宜芳  660178羅秀婷  1
670066游淑琴  670311李有慶  760459吳昌儒  760582鄒玫君  860003游雅婷  1
860124江昭德  860446簡欣珮  860685石開甫  871134潘孝進  871281謝小萍  1
871354林佩欣  960189洪秀芳  


-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

哇哈哈! 好久沒有出現了~~Sorry Sorry~


相對的上網 跟 寫些丸子亂亂講的時間就變的很少了

蠻羨幕S王能夠信手拈來 就是1000字以上的心情故事...

就連最近臉書最火紅的農場 丸子都沒有空好好研究...Orz


當然 要謝謝各位在丸子的生日這天 給丸子的祝福!!! 粉感動說~

雖然沒有辦法一一道謝 不過這些點點滴滴 丸子會記在心頭的! Love u all~

當然雖然沒有美美的燈光 跟 大大的生日趴 但是還是要許個願望!


1st wish:大家都能事事順利!心想事成! <-----這真的很重要!

2nd wish:For Jessica:舉行的音樂會能大受歡迎~人氣大暴增 摳摳賺翻天!

3rd wish:For Peggy:今年能懷個龍鳳胎 明年生個小虎隊!


-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


X4 還不賴啦 我個人覺得-->給阿穆拍拍手

不過那個Xtra就有點冷了 ~~~咻~~~~

所以我們開放網路投票好了 看我們的團名要取什麼? 目前想到這兩個

請踴躍投票喔 哈

1. X 4 ==>(這個介紹時要配合動作 在舉起雙手在胸前打X 表示常被舉手示意X拒絕 至於Xtra就免了吧.....Orz)

2. 雄巍令和丸 ===>這個聽起來蠻像八十幾頻道出現的藥物廣告....大家吃了可能會不行吧XD




雖然說 很多時候講的東西比較空泛 <---哈 這是宅男的通病喔



話說回來 喝到3點多實在太超過 今天躺了一天 老了我.....

Mojito & 特調Martini & Boddingtons bitter 還真不錯喝



-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


一起衝動的 帶了些啤酒 配些小菜一起聚聚的閒聊

雖然說 年紀又大了些 多了些藉口推拖


嗯嗯 看來把酒言歡 確實是激起熱情澎湃的好方法

回家的路上 還想說 多久沒幹這種熱血的事情了 大家都宅習慣了喔

下次要多準備點下酒小菜 魷魚絲還是有點吃不夠阿~


PS:話說回來 這讓我想起了這首歌 看了馬上熱淚盈眶 或許裡面的意境大家都能體會吧

Mr. Children - くるみ(Kurumi)中文譯作:久留美


作詩:櫻井和壽 作曲:櫻井和壽
編曲:小林武史 & Mr.Children

Ne~ Kurumi
Ne~ Kurumi
如今的我 一定得做個就要轉動齒輪啊

Ne~ Kurumi

Ne~ Kurumi
可是 讓我能夠開懷真心的笑卻也很少
就像這樣地要是能和 某個有多的鈕扣穴的人相遇

超過必要的負擔 讓齒輪一面發出嘎吱的聲響
向前走吧 踏上沒有你的這條路


-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

2008年對大部分的人來說 是很辛苦的一年

雖然說 對丸子來說也是很慘烈的一年.......



就也只能自己吞下這些後果了 不過幸運的是至少我還在這~^^b


當然啦 每年都有新的希望 也有沒有達到的舊希望需要調整


話說回來 計畫還真的趕不上變化ㄋ~


1.希望能把體能練好 明年春假或是有無薪假的時候 可以騎單車環島

2.每個月能至少看一本書 去年看完的書可是寥寥可數 要不是看一半 就是 太厚看不完


3.工作的時間 能夠在減少個20% 要不然每天工作 我都愛睏了 能騎啥車?約啥會?見鬼~

4.今年能把助學貸款還光 雖然說利率蠻低的 但是現在這種不景氣下 能少點利息就算贏~

5.鮪魚肚能再減個2吋! 鮪魚肚穿車衣跟車褲 真的粉醜阿! 老了 更要用力消


大家一起加油 擊敗不景氣 一定要有Happy牛Year!


-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

祝大家新年快樂 新年新希望 明年也請大家繼續多多照顧囉~~~



-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

又到了一年的聖誕節了~~~相信很多人這個時候 可能覺得今年的聖誕假期比以前難過多了~

當然啦 正面思考 有工作的時候 哪有可能這麼多的假?

大夥就正面 樂觀的看待這波的金融海嘯吧~~~~

送上丸子今天精選的聖誕煙火照 也祝大家佳節愉快~

心情不好的 看看這些煙火照片心情也會變好喔


-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


最近全球的不景氣下 公司營收快速下滑+失業率節節攀高

就丸子的觀察 這次的不景氣 大家真的皮要繃緊


因為以前慘的時候 還沒聽說親朋好友被裁員的 不過這次

短短的兩三個月 就已知有三個朋友準備吃自己了 不乏已經是可說算是企業的中階菁英了~真是讓人驚嚇


這也難怪 這次變化來的又快又急 實在不是大家都預期的到的 只能加緊腳步 裁員 省錢 cost down

就連自家的預算也是變化頗大 改了N百版有了吧? 慘....不知道該哭還是該笑


當然囉~~最近丸子的加班時數也是跟失業人口一樣節節攀高 說來有點小鬱悶

有時候覺得自己的效率實在真的不夠好 加上一口氣要同一時間做不同的事情 對我來說還真的有點小吃力


所以說 還是要加強戰鬥效率 想辦法準時下班才行 要不然覺得自己都快賣給公司了 很多事情都不能作說 

不過班照加 玩還是要照玩 年底未休的假 要趕快找時間休掉 要不然明年又不知道會不會在這裡 Orz...

-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

前幾天 跟好久沒見旅外好友小P 見了一面

不過乍聞許多滿驚嚇的消息 其中一件就是跟交往多年的女友分手了

well.....這是怎嚜一回事ㄋ? 腦海不斷浮現的是 還停留在一年前 兩人甜蜜的來找丸子的影像中

愛情果然是容易變質的東西嗎? 太糟糕了說 ~ 也為你蠻難過的說

當然除了這件事情 還有其他蠻糟糕的事情發生在他身上

其實大夥出門在外 很多事情是遠比自己想的來的艱困的 只是大部分的時間 我們都沒有意識到而已

不過 其他工作上的事情沒有什麼大不了的啦 想去環遊世界的時候就説一下吧 咱們一起去

只是小P你要堅強ㄋ 別讓這種小事給消磨了心志 反正咱們是頂天立地的男子漢 對吧~~~


-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


其實套用朋友的一句話 "愛與懂得是一種稀有又珍貴的交集"

所以說 大夥們就自己去體會看看吧~~~

其實丸子身旁很多 甜蜜的小情侶跟小夫妻們

他們都有一個共通點就是 能夠分享彼此的感受

或許 這對某些人來說是很難做到的一件事情


太多的自我 或是 太多的遷就 在感情世界裡都是多餘的~



現在覺得很難過的 要乾八爹

現在覺得很寂寞的 要積極點

現在覺得很失落的 要振作點

反正 想找人喝酒就來找我吧

-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

最近很多朋友跟同學都在算命 或許 大家都一樣對於未來的迷惘 需要一個方向吧~

不管是說的準的才信 或是 不相信的 就某種程度上 丸子是很肯定算命的功能的


以下就是最近算的結果 就某些部分還真的說的很確實 當做時時警惕自己的話吧


"這一生中最大的敵人就是自己. 如果分別去問你們的同事,朋友,家人與另一半對你們的評價 包准會得到完全不一樣的答案

就連你們自己 也常覺得內心同時有天使與魔鬼在打架 時而覺得人性本惡 時而覺得人性本惡 時而又對週遭的人充滿了悲憫

明明擁有出人頭地的渴望 有時又希望離這些瑣碎的世俗事遠一點

這是因為你們對人性的洞察力太強 卻又心腸太軟的關係 所以 你們在某件事上累積出一點成就時

你們就會開始自己搞破壞或障礙 甚至希望旁人來替自己澆一盆冷水 所以你們經常在即將成功前自己停住


其實 你們只需要說服自己 無論是天使的一面或魔鬼的一面 都是真實的 也都是人性本來就有的面向

試著去原諒自己也原諒別人 並學習將自己的洞察力用在對的方面 野勇敢滿足自己對名利 慾望的渴求

並且在現實與理想間求取最大的平衡 如此一來你們的人生才有可能往前進 而不是老是原地踏步"

-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

這幾天最shock的消息 不外是雷曼兄弟破產 跟 美林被併了...

(OS:雖然台灣也是天災頻繁 但是看著新聞一直重覆的播報 會不麻木也難)

當然如果知道雷曼 跟 美林 他們兩個是什麼咖 就知道事情是有多嚴重了

尤其158年歷史的雷曼 也是短短一年就掛了 就知道資產泡沫有多嚴重


連這群全球最頂尖的財務金融專家 都ㄘㄨㄚˋ了

連帶的讓學習老美的財務知識的同時 不禁想到

那真不曉得什麼樣的金融投資 才是能夠累積財富


當然啦 也可以反向思考 如果最大咖都爆了

應該接下來的中小咖 就不會那麼驚嚇了吧? 呵呵


有興趣的可以看一下 Lehman Brothers History..大家一起為他默哀3分鐘吧

Lehman Brothers


The history of Lehman Brothers parallels the growth of the United States and its energetic drive toward prosperity and international prominence. What would evolve into a global financial entity began as a general store in the American South. Henry Lehman, an immigrant from Germany, opened his small shop in the city of Montgomery, Alabama in 1844. Six years later, he was joined by brothers Emanuel and Mayer, and they named the business Lehman Brothers.


Henry, Emanuel and Mayer Lehman founded the Firm in Montgomery, Alabama.


Cotton was the cash crop of the time, and the Lehmans accepted it from the local farmers as currency to settle accounts. The brothers traded the cotton for cash or merchandise, becoming brokers for buyers and sellers of the crop. In 1858, they opened an office in New York, which was the commodity trading center of the country.


The Civil War disrupted the Lehmans' business. When hostilities ended, the brothers moved north and concentrated their operations in New York, where they helped establish the Cotton Exchange.

The post-war period witnessed the rapid growth of railroads, sparking the transformation of the nation from an agrarian to an industrial economy. At the time, Lehman Brothers' future merger partner, Kuhn, Loeb, was underwriting much of the financing for railroad construction.

Railroad bonds represented a significant advance in the development of capital markets. Their affordable price attracted a great number of individual investors and Lehman Brothers, recognizing a trend, expanded its commodities business to include the sale and trading of securities. The Firm also moved into the area of financial advisory, which provided the foundation for underwriting expertise.


During the vigorous economic expansion of the second half of the 19th century, Lehman Brothers broadened its expertise beyond commodities brokerage to merchant banking. Building a securities trading business, they became members of the New York Stock Exchange in 1887.

Setting the stage for future global growth, Jacob Schiff, a Kuhn, Loeb partner, led the Firm to establish investment-banking relationships in Europe and Japan.


The Firm acquires a seat on the New York Stock Exchange


Lehman Brothers underwrites its first stock offering


At the turn of the century, Lehman Brothers was a founding financier of emerging retailers, including Sears, Roebuck & Company, F.W. Woolworth Company, May Department Stores Company, Gimbel Brothers, Inc. and R.H. Macy & Company.


In the 1920s, Robert Lehman perceived dynamic changes occurring in the nation's economy, and focused the company on rapidly developing consumer industries such as retailing, airlines and communications. Lehman Brothers was a strong supporter of the entertainment sector and advised on the consolidation of major movie theater chains. Start-up ventures, including film studios RKO, Paramount and 20th Century Fox, benefited from financing arranged by the Firm.

Triggered by the stock market crash of 1929, the Depression placed tremendous pressure on the availability of capital. Lehman Brothers was one of the pioneers of innovative financing techniques such as private placements, arranging loans between blue-chip borrowers and private lenders. These loans offered strict safeguards and solid returns for lenders, while enabling borrowers to raise much-needed capital.


The Lehman Corporation is created, a prominent closed-end investment company


The 1930s witnessed the explosive growth of radio and experimentation with a developing technology called television. Lehman Brothers underwrote the initial public offering for DuMont, the first television manufacturer, and helped fund the Radio Corporation of America, known as RCA.

Beginning in the 1930s, the increasing demand for oil set off waves of wildcat drilling in search of the resource. Companies like Halliburton and Kerr-McGee relied on Lehman Brothers for capital to fund their activities.


The end of World War II ignited an unprecedented era of prosperity, fueling the growth of consumer industries such as home appliances and auto manufacturing. Lehman Brothers became an important financial advisor and underwriter for many growing companies and established a number of long-term relationships that are still active today.


The Firm establishes its 10 Uncommon Values® Portfolio.


Economic expansion accelerated in the 1950s with the dawn of the Electronics Age, and Lehman Brothers arranged start-up financing for companies such as Litton Industries. The Firm also lent its expertise and advisory skills to Burlington Mills, Schenley Industries and American Export Lines.

This period was also the beginning of the computer era, and Lehman Brothers provided IPO underwriting for industry pioneer Digital Equipment. The Firm later arranged the acquisition of Digital by Compaq.

The travel industry benefited from the sustained economic growth of the period, and Lehman Brothers sponsored the IPO of Hertz Rent-a-Car. The focus on transportation and travel continued into the 1960s, with Lehman Brothers advising Ford Motor Company, TWA, American Airlines and Continental Airlines.

At this time, consumer-driven companies such as General Foods, Campbell Soup and Philip Morris turned to Lehman Brothers to help finance the growth necessary to satisfy burgeoning demand for their products.


By the 1960s and 1970s, many of Lehman Brothers' clients were expanding overseas. To meet their financial needs, the Firm opened an office in Paris in 1960, followed by a location in London in 1972 and Tokyo in 1973. This growing international presence was enhanced by the merger with Kuhn, Loeb.

With continued advances in electronics and information technology in the 1970s, Lehman Brothers worked with leading players such as IBM, Digital Equipment Corporation and Loral.


The Firm acquires Abraham & Co.


In the 1980s, Lehman Brothers played an important role in the dawn of the Information Age, helping fund such companies as Intel and new technology businesses of the period, which later became the leading players in the high-tech revolution.

During the robust merger and acquisition activity of the 1980s, Lehman Brothers advised companies such as Chrysler, American Motors, General Foods, Philip Morris and Hoffman-LaRoche on expanding domestic and international operations.

In the mid-1980s, breakthrough research in the life sciences introduced the biotech era, revolutionizing the healthcare industry. Lehman Brothers assisted a number of new businesses in obtaining the capital needed to fund research and development. A leading advisor to the healthcare sector, the Firm worked with major pharmaceutical companies during the international consolidation and globalization of the industry.


American Express acquires Lehman Brothers and merges the Firm with Shearson.


Lehman Brothers acquires a seat on the London Stock Exchange.


Lehman Brothers acquires a seat on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


American Express divested Shearson in 1993, and the independent Firm once again became known solely as Lehman Brothers.


The Firm becomes independent through a public stock offering and Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. common stock commences trading on the New York & Pacific stock exchanges.

Lehman Brothers opens an office in Tel Aviv, Israel, building upon its long-term presence in that country.


The Firm earns recognition as "Global Bond House of the Year" by International Finance Review.


Lehman Brothers joins the S&P 500 Index and establishes its 10 Uncommon EuroValues portfolio.


Lehman Brothers establishes its first venture capital fund and celebrates the 50th year of its 10 Uncommon Values® portfolio.

Lehman Brothers establishes an alliance with Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi for Japanese M&A.

The Firm passes the $1 billion mark in annual net income for the first time.


Lehman Brothers celebrates its 150th year anniversary.

The Firm joins the S&P 100 Index and its stock price hits $100 for the first time.

Lehman Brothers becomes the first firm to underwrite corporate debt on the Internet.

The Firm launches LehmanLive®, a Web site that offers clients around the globe access to a vast array of services and proprietary information 24 hours a day.


The Firm resumes fixed income trading two days after Sept. 11 and equity trading when U.S. markets open.

Lehman Brothers brings the first IPO, Given Imaging, to market after Sept. 11.

The Firm buys 745 Seventh Ave. for its new global headquarters in Midtown Manhattan and purchases additional space in New York City and New Jersey.

Lehman Brothers becomes a member of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange.


Lehman Brothers moves into its new global headquarters in Midtown Manhattan.

The Firm establishes the Wealth and Asset Management Division*.

Lehman Brothers executes the largest financial services IPO in history for CIT Group, and the largest European leveraged buyout in history for KKR and Wendel Investissement.

The Firm lead-manages the largest-ever U.S. dollar denominated debt issue for GECC.

Lehman Brothers acquires Lincoln Capital Management's fixed income business*.

* In 2005, the Wealth and Asset Management Division was renamed the Investment Management Division and Lincoln Capital Fixed Income Management Company, LLC was renamed Lehman Brothers Asset Management LLC.


Lehman Brothers acquires Neuberger Berman, positioning the Firm as an industry leader in the wealth and asset management business.

The Firm moves to its new European headquarters at 25 Bank Street in Canary Wharf.

Lehman Brothers acquires The Crossroads Group*, expanding the Firm's private equity fund investment management business.

Moody's Investors Service raises the Firm's long-term credit rating to A1 and the LBI broker-dealer credit rating to Aa3, representing the third ratings upgrade in the last four years.

* In 2005, Lehman Crossroads Investment Advisers, LP (d/b/a The Crossroads Group) was renamed Lehman Brothers Private Fund Advisers, LP.


Lehman Brothers moves to its new Asia headquarters in Tokyo's Roppongi Hills.

The Firm advises on two of the top five announced Mergers & Acquisitions transactions worldwide: Cingular Wireless' acquisition of AT&T Wireless Services; and Sprint's acquisition of Nextel Communications.

Lehman Brothers executes the largest capital markets transaction in the history of the U.S. utility industry for Pacific Gas & Electric and the largest IPO globally in 2004 for Belgacom SA.

The Firm posts record financial results, including best-ever net revenue, net income, and earnings per share. The Firm increases its dividend by 33%.

Assets under management at the Firm's Investment Management Division rise to a record $137 billion.


Lehman Brothers achieves record revenues, net income and earnings per share based on record results in each business segment and region.

Standard & Poor's upgrades Lehman Brothers' long-term senior debt rating to A+ from A, citing diversified earnings base and strong risk management.

The Firm's assets under management grow to a record $175 billion.

Named "Best Investment Bank" by Euromoney in its 2005 Awards for Excellence.

Lehman Brothers opens an office in Mumbai, India.


Lehman Brothers achieves record net revenues, net income and earnings per share for the third consecutive year based on record results across all business segments and regions.

Ranks #1 in the Barron's 500 annual survey of corporate performance for the largest companies in the U.S. and Canada.

#1 dealer on the London Stock Exchange by trading volume.

Advises clients on the three largest global M&A deals announced in 2006: AT&T's acquisition of BellSouth; Gaz de France's merger with Suez* (pending); Endesa's defense mandate resulting from E.ON's takeover offer** (withdrawn).

The Lehman Brothers Centre for Women in Business officially launches at the London Business School.

All transactions appear as a matter of record only.
Source: Thomson Financial, 1 Jan 2006 - 31 Dec 2006
* Advisor to the Republic of France, Gaz de France's majority shareholder
** Also acted as advisor to Endesa on a consortium's (Enel and Acciona) subsequent takeover offer in 2007


Lehman Brothers ranks #1 "Most Admired Securities Firm" by Fortune.

Achieves record net revenues, net income and earnings per common share (diluted) for the fourth consecutive year based on record results in all three business segments.

Acts as financial advisor on largest-ever M&A transaction in financial institutions sector: $98 billion acquisition of ABN AMRO by a consortium of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Santander and Fortis.*

#1 dealer on the London Stock Exchange by annual trading volume for the third year in a row.

Creates the Lehman Brothers Center for Global Finance and Economic Development at Spelman College, the #1 ranked institution among historically black colleges and universities by U.S. News & World Report.

Establishes the Council on Climate Change to bring together leaders from industry, policy and academia to facilitate constructive dialogue regarding climate change policy formulation and its impact on business.

*Financial advisor to ABN AMRO


The end of World War II ignited an unprecedented era of prosperity, fueling the growth of consumer industries such as home appliances and auto manufacturing. Lehman Brothers became an important financial advisor and underwriter for many growing companies and established a number of long-term relationships that are still active today.


The Firm establishes its 10 Uncommon Values® Portfolio.


Economic expansion accelerated in the 1950s with the dawn of the Electronics Age, and Lehman Brothers arranged start-up financing for companies such as Litton Industries. The Firm also lent its expertise and advisory skills to Burlington Mills, Schenley Industries and American Export Lines.

This period was also the beginning of the computer era, and Lehman Brothers provided IPO underwriting for industry pioneer Digital Equipment. The Firm later arranged the acquisition of Digital by Compaq.

The travel industry benefited from the sustained economic growth of the period, and Lehman Brothers sponsored the IPO of Hertz Rent-a-Car. The focus on transportation and travel continued into the 1960s, with Lehman Brothers advising Ford Motor Company, TWA, American Airlines and Continental Airlines.

At this time, consumer-driven companies such as General Foods, Campbell Soup and Philip Morris turned to Lehman Brothers to help finance the growth necessary to satisfy burgeoning demand for their products.


By the 1960s and 1970s, many of Lehman Brothers' clients were expanding overseas. To meet their financial needs, the Firm opened an office in Paris in 1960, followed by a location in London in 1972 and Tokyo in 1973. This growing international presence was enhanced by the merger with Kuhn, Loeb.

With continued advances in electronics and information technology in the 1970s, Lehman Brothers worked with leading players such as IBM, Digital Equipment Corporation and Loral.


The Firm acquires Abraham & Co.


In the 1980s, Lehman Brothers played an important role in the dawn of the Information Age, helping fund such companies as Intel and new technology businesses of the period, which later became the leading players in the high-tech revolution.

During the robust merger and acquisition activity of the 1980s, Lehman Brothers advised companies such as Chrysler, American Motors, General Foods, Philip Morris and Hoffman-LaRoche on expanding domestic and international operations.

In the mid-1980s, breakthrough research in the life sciences introduced the biotech era, revolutionizing the healthcare industry. Lehman Brothers assisted a number of new businesses in obtaining the capital needed to fund research and development. A leading advisor to the healthcare sector, the Firm worked with major pharmaceutical companies during the international consolidation and globalization of the industry.


American Express acquires Lehman Brothers and merges the Firm with Shearson.


Lehman Brothers acquires a seat on the London Stock Exchange.


Lehman Brothers acquires a seat on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


American Express divested Shearson in 1993, and the independent Firm once again became known solely as Lehman Brothers.


The Firm becomes independent through a public stock offering and Lehman Brothers Holding Inc. common stock commences trading on the New York & Pacific stock exchanges.

Lehman Brothers opens an office in Tel Aviv, Israel, building upon its long-term presence in that country.


The Firm earns recognition as "Global Bond House of the Year" by International Finance Review.


Lehman Brothers joins the S&P 500 Index and establishes its 10 Uncommon EuroValues portfolio.


Lehman Brothers establishes its first venture capital fund and celebrates the 50th year of its 10 Uncommon Values® portfolio.

Lehman Brothers establishes an alliance with Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi for Japanese M&A.

The Firm passes the $1 billion mark in annual net income for the first time.


Lehman Brothers celebrates its 150th year anniversary.

The Firm joins the S&P 100 Index and its stock price hits $100 for the first time.

Lehman Brothers becomes the first firm to underwrite corporate debt on the Internet.

The Firm launches LehmanLive®, a Web site that offers clients around the globe access to a vast array of services and proprietary information 24 hours a day.


The Firm resumes fixed income trading two days after Sept. 11 and equity trading when U.S. markets open.

Lehman Brothers brings the first IPO, Given Imaging, to market after Sept. 11.

The Firm buys 745 Seventh Ave. for its new global headquarters in Midtown Manhattan and purchases additional space in New York City and New Jersey.

Lehman Brothers becomes a member of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange.


Lehman Brothers moves into its new global headquarters in Midtown Manhattan.

The Firm establishes the Wealth and Asset Management Division*.

Lehman Brothers executes the largest financial services IPO in history for CIT Group, and the largest European leveraged buyout in history for KKR and Wendel Investissement.

The Firm lead-manages the largest-ever U.S. dollar denominated debt issue for GECC.

Lehman Brothers acquires Lincoln Capital Management's fixed income business*.

* In 2005, the Wealth and Asset Management Division was renamed the Investment Management Division and Lincoln Capital Fixed Income Management Company, LLC was renamed Lehman Brothers Asset Management LLC.


Lehman Brothers acquires Neuberger Berman, positioning the Firm as an industry leader in the wealth and asset management business.

The Firm moves to its new European headquarters at 25 Bank Street in Canary Wharf.

Lehman Brothers acquires The Crossroads Group*, expanding the Firm's private equity fund investment management business.

Moody's Investors Service raises the Firm's long-term credit rating to A1 and the LBI broker-dealer credit rating to Aa3, representing the third ratings upgrade in the last four years.

* In 2005, Lehman Crossroads Investment Advisers, LP (d/b/a The Crossroads Group) was renamed Lehman Brothers Private Fund Advisers, LP.


Lehman Brothers moves to its new Asia headquarters in Tokyo's Roppongi Hills.

The Firm advises on two of the top five announced Mergers & Acquisitions transactions worldwide: Cingular Wireless' acquisition of AT&T Wireless Services; and Sprint's acquisition of Nextel Communications.

Lehman Brothers executes the largest capital markets transaction in the history of the U.S. utility industry for Pacific Gas & Electric and the largest IPO globally in 2004 for Belgacom SA.

The Firm posts record financial results, including best-ever net revenue, net income, and earnings per share. The Firm increases its dividend by 33%.

Assets under management at the Firm's Investment Management Division rise to a record $137 billion.


Lehman Brothers achieves record revenues, net income and earnings per share based on record results in each business segment and region.

Standard & Poor's upgrades Lehman Brothers' long-term senior debt rating to A+ from A, citing diversified earnings base and strong risk management.

The Firm's assets under management grow to a record $175 billion.

Named "Best Investment Bank" by Euromoney in its 2005 Awards for Excellence.

Lehman Brothers opens an office in Mumbai, India.


Lehman Brothers achieves record net revenues, net income and earnings per share for the third consecutive year based on record results across all business segments and regions.

Ranks #1 in the Barron's 500 annual survey of corporate performance for the largest companies in the U.S. and Canada.

#1 dealer on the London Stock Exchange by trading volume.

Advises clients on the three largest global M&A deals announced in 2006: AT&T's acquisition of BellSouth; Gaz de France's merger with Suez* (pending); Endesa's defense mandate resulting from E.ON's takeover offer** (withdrawn).

The Lehman Brothers Centre for Women in Business officially launches at the London Business School.

All transactions appear as a matter of record only.
Source: Thomson Financial, 1 Jan 2006 - 31 Dec 2006
* Advisor to the Republic of France, Gaz de France's majority shareholder
** Also acted as advisor to Endesa on a consortium's (Enel and Acciona) subsequent takeover offer in 2007


Lehman Brothers ranks #1 "Most Admired Securities Firm" by Fortune.

Achieves record net revenues, net income and earnings per common share (diluted) for the fourth consecutive year based on record results in all three business segments.

Acts as financial advisor on largest-ever M&A transaction in financial institutions sector: $98 billion acquisition of ABN AMRO by a consortium of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Santander and Fortis.*

#1 dealer on the London Stock Exchange by annual trading volume for the third year in a row.

Creates the Lehman Brothers Center for Global Finance and Economic Development at Spelman College, the #1 ranked institution among historically black colleges and universities by U.S. News & World Report.

Establishes the Council on Climate Change to bring together leaders from industry, policy and academia to facilitate constructive dialogue regarding climate change policy formulation and its impact on business.

*Financial advisor to ABN AMRO

-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

幾個臭男生一起在酒吧裡鬼混 確實是紓解壓力的好方法

就像有些美眉一樣 可能花幾張小朋友做指甲 上美容院一樣


讓自己能夠舒壓又放鬆就好 管他別人怎嚜想 小朋友再賺就好了

反正 現在就一整個放鬆 大夥能盡興又不超過自己能力就好


當然 Men's Talk 就是也要小酌一番+來根小煙 才有fu說

況且 真的有好多苦水要吐阿 嗚嗚~最近很慘的說

覺得自己有點遜 果然是加強版的宅男

各位狗頭軍師快點幫忙想想辦法吧 嗚嗚



不過也是可以請自己喝啦 哈哈

當然啦 大夥在小酌一番的同時 也要充實一下酒國知識

這樣才不會喝的霧煞煞 呵

今天挑的是Aberlour(亞伯樂)12年這支喔 口感比較醇點

Whisky on the Rock-要記得加大塊的冰塊喔 大塊冰透明溶化慢 裡面沒有氣泡 凍上超過一個星期的老冰最理想

兩張小朋友的古巴雪茄 抽起來也很醇 感覺有點像一般的薄荷煙加強版

大夥來張拍立得吧~當然啦 用強光在翻拍是為了保護大家不要曝光 ㄏㄏ

-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

今天公司健康檢查 結果丸子  果不其然肥了不少


身高+1cm (應該是機器壞了 沒有倒縮就不錯了 還長高)

體重+4kg (肚子倒是長大不少)







不過最慘的是....今天丸子又是最後走要關門的一個 結果關門時遇到董事長

董事長就問說 丸子 今天怎嚜還在這裡阿 沒有人陪你過情人節阿?趕快回去休息吧~


當場 時間就像凝結一樣 心理OS 滿天飛...不外乎是


a.對阿 難不成我喜歡最後一個走阿?

b.您老 也沒有人陪 不是吧....(不過 確實也不需要吧??)

c.明明知道很多人都單身 最好今天就突然有家庭了~~~凸

d.那我下禮拜要休假了 您都叫我好好休息了

當然 董事長是一片好心.....但是......卻傷了丸子小小的心靈 嗚嗚

明天跟他吃飯的時候(定期聚餐) 一定要 偷偷把他拉到旁邊去 跟他說

下次記得不要再問這個愛心問題了 寧願被你罵...Orz

-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



雖然被打到體無完膚了 不過感謝妳們搶救丸子大兵的善舉


當然啦 老實說 我們也不想常常喝趴的說 人說 酒不醉人 人自醉 就是這個道理

只是就像你們買包一樣 花點摳摳喝趴 也是為了放鬆吧....就不要覺得粉離譜了唄


我會好好的反省反省的 我看以後就僱你們當狗頭軍師好了 這麼多的意見 不當狗頭真的是可惜了


今天去了台北電腦應用展 實在是有點小小失望 跟景氣一樣有點冷冷清清的

還是Game Show比較符合丸子的喜好....Po上幾張電腦應用展的空照圖


Show Girl那個常常出現在X森購物台的執行長也有來 可惜沒拍到

是不是有點冷清ㄋ?人沒有想像中多喔 景氣差喔~

另外一邊也不還好 可能大家摳摳都不太多

今年犒賞自己的禮物就是 NDS

-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


所謂著急的時候 往往會做出錯誤的判斷 真的沒錯

用20歲的邏輯 來對應30歲的事情的下場就是 找死...




anyway......宅男+慵懶 is my way

-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

昨天是麻吉阿穆的生日轟趴 雖然說沒有想到會來這麼多人

不過也代表果然阿穆你的人面夠廣 人緣粉不錯說動畫快遞

當然啦 夜店辦趴 雖然不陌生

不過 酒精+熱舞+震天漫響的音樂強力催化下

大家都喝到趴了....當然丸子我也趴了 現在頭都快炸了說

不過那個不會喝的 就還要硬喝 就不行喔 叔叔我可是有練過的

齁齁 好像很久沒有看到你們幾個這麼High了戴太陽眼鏡

就說杯 幹麻這麼ㄍㄧㄥ 放輕鬆點~~~大家壓力都很大喔 ㄎㄎ

當然啦 也見到穗穗的新"朋友"........和你們診所的亮女們.....

只能說 當醫生實在太爽了...自己身體要顧阿~~~吐舌頭

anyway還是要祝阿穆 年年有今日 歲歲有今朝 28歲生日快樂囉生日蛋糕

OS:不過我好像"又"幹了件蠢事說...大家應該都ㄇㄤ了 不會有人記得吧吐舌頭








-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

昨天買了一張 "帶著希望的門票"

雖然還有點點的猶豫 只是並沒有想到會這麼快的買了這張門票

只是被工作壓榨的同時 也要好好的生活ㄅ 對自己好一點點

well....有時候 不要太精明 太會算 或許才是幸福吧?


畢竟就像工作一樣 給自己設定了一些些的目標


優西 大夥一起柑芭爹吧! 互相加油!


當然啦 咱們的小K美眉又要回美國唸書了

大夥們以後要看到你現在閒閒的機會 可能就很少了吧


這個周末也跑去看了芬妮一家人 小BB長得眉清目秀的

看來以後也會跟丸子叔叔一樣帥氣ㄋ!(唉呦 芬尼馬麻不要打偶啦)

不過真的覺得世事多變 相當初丸子離開公司的時候 尼才剛新婚

馬上就新增一個成員了 只能說 果然結了婚 馬上就會開始人生的下一步ㄋ


-OOO-丸子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

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